Lantos Foundation Betrays Its Principles

After the death of Tom Lantos, a Holocaust survivor, congressman, and chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, his supporters founded the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice. The foundation, which is distinct from the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, defines its mission to “carry the noble banner of human rights to every corner of the world.”

It has failed.

Every year, the Lantos Foundation awards a human rights prize. Seldom does it break new ground. Instead, as with many similar groups, it bestows the honor on those in the spotlight who have received other awards, big names whom the glitterati will recognize and then open their checkbooks. It was perhaps in this spirit that, in 2011, the foundation awarded its prize to Paul Rusesabagina, who catapulted to fame after the 2004 Hollywood film Hotel Rwanda. Perhaps honoring Rusesabagina made sense at the time: President George W. Bush had awarded the hotelier the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That same year, Rusesabagina received the Wallenberg Medal and the National Civil Rights Museum Freedom Award.

The problem is that this spotlight and adulation sparked in Rusesabagina first ambition and then frustration. He wanted power, and failing to receive it democratically, he pursued power by other means. The evidence is damning. Rusesabagina embraced violence. His statements were not mere polemics. He channeled funds to designated groups that subsequently staged terrible terror attacks. They targeted not Rwandan officials or the military, but farmsteads, villages, and buses, where they slaughtered unarmed innocents

In August 2020, Rwanda’s security service tricked Rusesabagina onto a plane destined for Rwanda. Upon its arrival, it arrested Rusesabagina. His trial is ongoing.

Paul Rusesabagina
Otto Adolf Eichmann

Enter Katrina Lantos Swett, Lantos’s daughter and president of the Lantos Foundation. Earlier this month, she demanded Magnitsky Act sanctions to punish those involved in Rusesabagina’s arrest. Her logic, however, betrays everything for which her father stood. Not only does Swett dismiss the evidence, which includes public speeches in which Rusesabagina endorsed terror groups and Western Union receipts showing Rusesabagina personally channeling funds to those groups, but she also states that the charges against Rusesabagina “are immaterial to this indisputable fact: Paul Rusesabagina was brought to Rwanda illegally under international law.”

She is wrong. There are many precedents confirmed by top human rights courts in which deception tactics used to bring suspects to justice have been deemed lawful and questions about the tactics of detention deemed immaterial at subsequent trial.

Lantos often spoke about how Adolf Eichmann, a high Nazi official responsible for war crimes, came to Hungary in 1944 to organize the liquidation of that country’s Jewish community. Lantos ended up in a labor camp from which he twice escaped, finally making it to a safe house organized by Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, whom the Soviets subsequently disappeared. On May 11, 1960, an Israeli intelligence team kidnapped Eichmann in Buenos Aires and returned him to Israel to face trial. Does Swett really believe that Eichmann’s kidnapping invalidated the charges against him or, for that matter, that the kidnapping was the wrong thing to do? That is where she now positions the Lantos Foundation.

Swett’s castigation of Rwandan President Paul Kagame for criticizing Rusesabagina is also not relevant. Is President Joe Biden’s call for “the right verdict” reason to put aside Derek Chauvin’s subsequent murder conviction?

Sometimes, bad people win awards. Comedian Bill Cosby won several awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, before his eventual conviction on rape charges. Few suggested that Hollywood accolades or presidential honors should exculpate Cosby. Likewise, the Norwegian Nobel Committee bestowed the Nobel Peace Prize upon Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, unaware that he might subsequently become one of the continent’s greatest war criminals. For the committee, Abiy might now be an embarrassment, but it does not work to save its reputation at the expense of denying his crimes.

None of this is to suggest that Rusesabagina’s trial is perfect. There is room for improvement in Rwanda’s justice system. The American Bar Association highlights some places for reform, especially to take “care in distinguishing between non-privileged and privileged materials.”

Still, human rights groups delegitimize themselves when they prioritize politics and ego above precedent and principle. Dislike of Kagame is no reason to excuse terror, just as dislike of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should never have been reason to absolve Hamas. Unfortunately, by confusing facts and feelings in Rwanda’s trial, the Lantos Foundation has dealt a blow to itself and to human rights advocacy more broadly.

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Open Letter to Ms. Attias Dominique, President of the European Bars Federation.

Dear Madam President,

Attias Dominique

I am compelled to write to you after reading from the media your letter dated May 4, regarding the case of Mr. Paul Rusesabagina. I know you may have heard that on June 19 and December 15, 2018 a terror group known as Front de Liberation National (FLN) sponsored by Mr Rusesabagina attacked the village of Nyabimata, in southern Rwanda, leaving at least 9 people dead, many others injured & property destroyed.

One of Properties destroyed by Rusesabagina terror group FLN

I was surprised to read that you called for his immediate release. You disregarded the fact that when there is rule of law, justice must take its course. The demand implies that Mr he is held for no good reason yet his innocence or culpability has to be proved by the courts. On the
European Bars arguing for Rusesabagina to return to his home to be reunited with his family, I don’t only find it unfair but cynical and a disregard of justice for the victims, of the FLN attacks. At least the family of Mr Rusesabagina knows where he is, and he is alive. The widows and orphans of the victims only wake up in tears to see the graves of their loved ones killed by Mr Rusesabagina’s terror group.

Children,Men and Women Killed by Rusesabagina terror Group FLN

The defence for human rights should not be selective but applied to all.As for international lawyers to represent Mr Rusesabagina you know well that Rwandan lawyers cannot be allowed to practice in European courts without accreditation. Should the existing procedures be disregarded because of one man, and a terror suspect at that? Demanding Rwandan authorities to render Rusesabagina a fair trial before an impartial court implies five things.

1. Contempt of the Rwandan judicial system,

2.An assumption that Rwanda institutions have no separation of powers,

3. That the Rwandan judiciary is neither impartial nor independent,

4. That Rwandan institutions and the judicial system do not function in accordance with international law and practice,

5. Rwanda courts are incompetent unlike European ones.

Dear Madam President, the statement above is not only arrogant but a manifestation of a colonial mindset and superiority complex of the highest order in the 21st century. Rwanda is a sovereign country that abides by the Rule of Law and does not require any foreign influence. In France where you are, an estimated 60% of the prisoners especially in the prison of Fleury-Mérogis are of Muslim origin under terror charges. You have not written to French authorities demanding immediately release of the suspects. Rusesabagina is not the first ‘celebrity’ to face the arm of the law. His fellow recipient of the American Presidential Medal of Freedom- Bill Cosby, was convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault. FBE did not write to US authorities to immediately release Cosby. Dear Madam President, allow me to inform you that despite your demand to have Rusesabagina released, without trial, many of his co-accused & key witnesses including American Professor, Michelle Martin,told court in a 4-hour testimony the details of Rusesabagina’s involvement. You may also be aware that Belgian police searched Rusesabagina’s home and found evidence of money transfer and correspondence with other terror groups operating in the DRC. In the US, FBI has information linking Rusesabagina to terror networks in the Great Lakes Region.
Let me end by inviting you to come to Rwanda and speak to the widows and orphans of FLN terror attacks as well as Rusesabagina’s co-accused, after which we can discuss more.

I sign this letter in Kigali on the 9th June 2021.

Gad Ntambara
Concerned Rwandan citizen


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Alors que le procès de Paul Rusesabagina s’ouvre demain à Kigali, Jeune Afrique dévoile les détails de l’arrestation du héros de « Hôtel Rwanda». 27 août 2020. Paul Rusesabagina s’assoupit dans un jet privé au départ de Dubaï, après un interminable périple entamé la veille au Texas. À ses côtés, à bord du Challenger 605 de la compagnie GainJet, le
«bishop» Constantin Niyomwungere, évêque au sein de Goshan Holly Church, une congrégation protestante qu’il a fondée. Destination prévue: Bujumbura, la capitale du Burundi.Drôle d’endroit pour une rencontre… et drôle de duo. D’un côté, Paul Rusesabagina, 66 ans. Ancien manager de l’hôtel des Diplomates puis de l’Hôtel des Mille collines, à Kigali, au début des années 1990, il a accédé à la notoriété en 2004 lorsqu’un film de Terry George,HôtelRwanda,l’aimmortalisédans la posture, très hollywoodienne, du sauveur des personnes menacées venues trouver refuge dans son établissement, en plein génocide.
De l’autre, Constantin Niyomwungere, 44 ans, un pasteur né au Burundi avant d’acquérir successivement les nationalités belge et rwandaise. En quelques années, il a fondé un empire ecclésiastique s’étendant de la RDC à la Tanzanie, en passant par le Rwanda et le Burundi. Son organisation revendique aujourd’hui 108 lieux de culte.«J’ai étudié la théologie et je sers le Seigneur depuis toujours», raconte «l’homme de Dieu», queJAa pu interviewer par visioconférence les 12 et 13 février –avec le quotidien françaisLibération-, alors qu’il se
trouvait au Rwanda, à quelques jours de l’ouverture du procès de Paul Rusesabagina, libre de sa parole mais en contact avec des officiels rwandais. Accusé d’être impliqué dans une entreprise terroriste, Paul Rusesabagina est visé pour neuf charges distinctes et encourt aujourd’hui une peine de réclusion criminelle à perpétuité.
PiègeLe 27 août 2020, en début de soirée, Paul Rusesabagina décolle depuis les Émirats arabes unis, où le «bishop» Niyomwungere est venu à sa rencontre. Mais quelques heures plus tard, alors qu’il s’attend à fouler le tarmac de l’aéroport de Bujumbura, il estaccueilli à Kigali par des agents du Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB),quileplacentenétatd’arrestation. Bien trop tard, celui qui est devenu citoyen belge et résident américain comprend qu’il a été dupé par le religieux. Ce piège, à en croire son principal instigateur, procède d’une histoire qui a débuté deux ans et demi plus tôt, à Bruxelles.
C’est dans cette ville où l’un réside et que l’autre fréquente régulièrement que Paul Rusesabagina a fait la connaissance de Constantin Niyomwungere. «En 2017, c’est un ami commun –un opposant membre de la diaspora rwandaise, qui connaît bien mes activités en Afrique –qui nous a mis en contact, raconte l’évêque. Paul Rusesabagina avait alors des problèmes au Burundi avec les membres de son groupe armé [le Front de libération national –FLN]. Il demandait à me voir pour que je l’aide auprès des autorités de ce pays.»
Selon Constantin Niyomwungere, le «héros» ayant inspiré le filmHôtel Rwandacherche alors à nouer des connexions avec les dirigeants burundais. Car depuis
son départ du Rwanda, en 1996, Paul Rusesabagina est entré en politique. À ceci près que son parti, le Mouvement rwandais pour le changement démocratique (MRCD), fondé en exil, n’a pas d’existence légale au Rwanda ;etque,surtout,ilaaccouchéd’unebranchearmée,leFLN.
La première rencontre entre les deux hommes a lieu dans uncafé de l’avenue Louise, à Bruxelles, dans le quartier huppé d’Ixelles. À en croire le pasteur, dont le témoignage lors du procès de Paul Rusesabagina est très attendu, ce dernier «cherchait des facilitations au Burundi pour son groupe rebelle afin d’attaquer le territoire rwandais». «Mais je suis un évêque, un homme de Dieu, et je ne pouvais lui accorder une telle aide, poursuit-il. Peut-être pensait-il qu’en tant que prêtre je respecterais la confidentialité de ce qu’il me disait. Il avait confiance en moi. Après quelques mois, je l’ai tout de même introduit auprès de gens de l’ambassade burundaise à Bruxelles.»Attentats au RwandaAu cours des mois suivants, Constantin Niyomwungere découvre sur Internet que le mouvement dirigé par Paul Rusesabagina est accusé d’être impliqué dans des actions sanglantes sur le sol
rwandais. «En 2018, à ma demande, nous nous sommes revus chez lui, en Belgique. Là, je lui ai posé des questions sur ces actes terroristes parce que ça m’avait fait mal d’apprendre ça. Il m’a expliqué que les autorités rwandaises ne veulent pas du dialogue, c’est pourquoi ils ont choisi d’attaquer le pays. «Les dirigeants rwandais sont différents de ceux de ton pays, le Burundi, où il y a un bon leader», a-t-il ajouté
Le «bishop» insiste : «Est-ce vraiment vous qui avez tué ces gens et commis ces actes à Nyabimata ?» Paul Rusesabagina, selon lui, l’admet, ajoutant que le problème vient du fait que le porte-parole de son groupe armé –CallixteSankara,aujourd’huienattentedelapoursuitedesonjugementauRwanda, dans une procédure jointe au dossier Rusesabagina –a lui-même reconnu la paternité de ces actes terroristes. «Je me suis alors dit que tuer les gens n’était pas un problème pour lui mais que son problème, c’était de l’avoir revendiqué, ajoute Constantin Niyomwungere. Ce qui le préoccupait,
c’était le risque d’être condamné par la justice rwandaise. Il m’a beaucoup déçu et je me suis dit que j’allais prendre mes distances avec lui.»
Garde à vueCe que Constantin Niyomwungere ignore encore, c’est que les enquêteurs rwandais, qui ont entre-temps sollicité l’entraide de leurs homologues belges pour mener des investigations sur les agissements de Paul Rusesabagina, en relation avec une entreprise terroriste, ont déniché les preuves de ses contacts avec ce dernier. Il le découvrira à ses dépens au début de 2020, alors qu’il effectue un séjour au Rwanda depuis la fin de l’année précédente.
«Quelques jours avant mon départ du Rwanda, le 27 février 2020, les agents du RIB m’ont arrêté car ils détenaient les preuves de mes communications avec lui. Ils m’ont demandé quelle était exactement notre relation et m’ont posé beaucoup de questions. Ils m’ont notamment demandé si c’était lui le chef des FLN.»
Après cinq longues journées de garde à vue, les enquêteurs du RIB libèrent le religieux, non sans lui demander comment il compte poursuivre ses relations avec leur cible. «Je leur ai répondu que je comptais stopper tout contact avec lui. Mais le monsieur du RIB m’a demandé, au contraire, de continuer à parler avec lui afin d’être informé de ses actes. J’ai accepté.» Ce jour-là, l’homme de Dieu se transforme malgré lui en taupe des services rwandais.Versions contradictoiresQuelques mois plus tard, Paul Rusesabagina reprend contact avec lui. «Il m’a dit qu’il s’apprêtait à effectuer un voyage au Burundi et m’a proposé de l’accompagner à Bujumbura, puisque je connais bien le pays. Je pense qu’on était au début du mois d’août 2020. Depuis notre première rencontre, on avait
continué à échanger des messages», indique-t-il àJA.D’après Constantin Niyomwungere, «Paul Rusesabagina voulait rencontrer les membres du FLN au Burundi ainsi que les autorités du pays». «À ce moment-là, j’ai contacté les agents duRIB pour les informer que l’homme à propos duquel ils m’avaient interrogé s’apprêtait à effectuer un voyage au Burundi et qu’il me proposait de l’accompagner. Le RIB m’a donné son feu vert, tout en me rappelant que j’avais promis d’observer ses actes.» L’opération qui conduira à l’arrestation du héros deHôtel Rwandaest lancée.
Interrogé dans sa cellule par leNewYorkTimesquelques semaines plus tard, Paul Rusesabagina donnera une version qui corrobore et contredit tout à la fois celle du pasteur. «M. Rusesabagina dit qu’il se rendait auBurundi sur l’invitation d’un pasteur nommé Constantin Niyomwungere, pour parler dans ses églises», écrit le quotidien américain le 19 septembre. Une version que conteste le prélat : «C’est lui qui m’a proposé de l’accompagner au Burundi, je ne l’ai jamais invité !» Selon lui, «Rusesabagina voulait rencontrer les leaders du FLN au Burundi, et aussi des responsables du régime burundais. Et il comptait sur mon aide pour l’accompagner et l’introduire auprès d’eux».La contradiction entre les deux versions, au fond, ne change pas grand-chose à l’histoire. Car à cet instant-là, Paul Rusesabagina vient de sceller son sort.Jet privéAu début d’août, le religieux s’affaire à régler les détails du voyage, en liaison avec le RIB. «Je lui ai d’abord proposé de me retrouver à Nairobi mais il a refusé en me disant qu’il ne pouvait pas venir dans un pays de la région des Grands Lacs à bord d’un vol
régulier à cause du mandat d’arrêt émis contre lui par Kigali.» Constantin Niyomwungere entrevoit alors la façon dont il pourrait aider à sa capture. «Mon objectif était de l’emmener au Rwanda à son insu, reconnaît-il. C’est le RIB qui m’a guidédans la manière de procéder. Je l’ai donc convaincu d’opter pour un jet privé en prétextant que les autorités burundaises allaient financer cela, et il a accepté.»Le 27 août, Paul Rusesabagina atterrit à Dubaï au terme d’un long périple depuis Dallas, via Chicago. Le «bishop» est là pour l’accueillir et l’accompagner à l’hôtel Ibis, où il a tout juste le temps de prendre une douche et un bref repos. Les frais sont réglés par l’ecclésiastique.
Puis les deux hommes mettent le cap vers un aéroport secondaire de la ville où les attend le
Challenger 605 de la compagnie GainJet, immatriculée en Grèce. «C’est moi qui ai accompli toutes les procédures d’embarquement, résume l’évêque. Nous avions tous deux un passeport belge, et pour sortir du pays nous n’avions pas besoin de présenter au départ de Dubaï un visa pour le Rwanda. Comme nous étions officiellementinvités par le régime burundais, Paul Rusesabagina ne s’est pas méfié.»Une fois à bord du jet, les choses sérieuses commencent. Car l’équipage ignore qu’un remake africain de James Bond 007 se joue sous ses yeux. «En arrivant dans l’avion, nous étions tous deux très fatigués, poursuit Constantin Niyomwungere. Mais au moment où l’équipage a fait son annonce en mentionnant notre réelle destination, Kigali, j’ai parlé avec lui pour détourner son attention. Puis on nous a servi à boire et à manger. Comme jesentais que les hôtesses de l’air risquaient de faire une gaffe à propos de notre destination, je leur ai dit en aparté que mon ami était fatigué et qu’il avait besoin de se reposer.» Paul Rusesabagina s’endort profondément.Tiré de son sommeil à l’atterrissage, il pense se trouver à Bujumbura. Mais lorsque les hommes du RIB l’interpellent à sa descente du jet, il réalise que
c’est de lui-même, sans menace ni contrainte, qu’il s’est jeté dans la gueule du loup. Attiré dans ce piège par un «homme de Dieu».

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Intagondwa z’abahutu zimirije imbere ideologie ya Hutupower zagerageje amayeri menshi yo kugaruka mu Rwanda ariko biranga kuko bagiye bavumburwa bakarwanwa bagatsindwa.

Nyuma y’uko batsinzwe urugamba rw’imbunda, bahinduye umuvuno maze bashaka izindi strategies bakoresha kugirango babone icyanzu cyabagarura gutegeka u Rwanda.

Mu nama yahuje Abapawa bakuru barangajwe imbere n’abana n’abakwe ba Kabuga, Ingabire Victoire , Justin Mugenzi, Marcel Sebatware, Abahungu ba Mbonyumutwa ndetse n’Abana ba Habyarimana hafatiwemo imyanzuro yo guhindura amayeri bagatangira gukoresha strategie nshyashya.

Amayeri abiri niyo bahisemo gukoresha kugirango baharabike ubuyobozi bw’u Rwanda burangajwe imbere na FPR Inkotanyi.



Izi strategies rero zagiye zikorwa mu bihe bitandukanye nzagenda ngarukaho mu bihe bitandukanye.

Tuzarebera hamwe uko Kizito yakoreshejwe na Rene claude Mugenzi umuhungu w’Interahamwe Joseph Mugenzi hamwe na bene Mbonyumutwa.

Nzabavira imuzi uko Umuryango wa Rwigara wakoreshejwe hagamijwe kwereka Abatutsi muri rusange ko batotezwa na FPR ariko bigafata ubusa kuko bari biringiye ko Abarokotse jenoside bazagwa muri uwo mutego bagakora imyigaragambyo hanyuma Abapawa bakaboneraho gukoresha abicanyi bari barateguye bakica abatutsi benshi maze bigashyirwa ku mutwe w’inkotanyi.

Nzabamurikira uko FDU yahindutse DALFA hagamijwe kwigarurira Abatutsi barokotse jenoside. (Muribuka ko ku ikubitiro Umusore ukomoka mu Ngororero Jean Mahoro ariwe wagizwe umuvugizi hamwe n’ukuntu Idamange Yvonne yabaye trained/formé kuvugira kuri camera no gukoresha urubuga youtube kugirango asakaze Propagande ya DALFA)

Nzabazingurira uko Hutupower Mouvement yagiye ikoresha Abatutsi barokotse batuye mu mahanga kugirango bakore Mobilisation y’abandi batutsi bazashyirwa mu kwaha kwa Hutupower Mouvement. (Urugero ni Gwiza Tabita hamwe na Mimy Kagabo basigaye bavuga rikijyana kwa Habyarimana, kwa Kabuga ndetse no mu miryango y’abahoze ku butegetsi mbere ya jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi)

Uyu muvuno wanagenewe akayabo k’amafaranga menshi azahabwa Abarokotse jenoside bazifashishwa muri uyu mugambi.


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Ibyihebe by’umutwe wa FLN washinzwe na Rusesabagina byibeshye umuvuno bishaka gushyira igitutu kuri RDF ntibiziko nabyo byakwisanga i kigali bitazi uko bihageze nk’uko byagendekeye shebuja wivanye i Texas agashiduka agaramye i kigali atazi uko byagenze.

I Burundi babundabunda si kure kurusha i Dubai cg i Texas muri leta zunze ubumwe z’Amerika.

Kurwanya iterabwoba ingabo z’u Rwanda zibifite mu maraso si ibyo bashakisha.

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The BBC recently ran a story by Andrew Harding making false and misleading allegations concerning an event held three years ago at the Rwanda High Commission in London. This story is part of a wider narrative fabricated by various anti-Rwanda movements, hostile detractors, some anonymous, and at least one disgruntled former official.

The BBC broadcast the allegations as fact, with no scrutiny of the veracity of claims made or the credibility of those making them.

Many Rwandans living abroad who choose to be members of the RPF have taken an oath of allegiance to the political party for over 30 years now – there is nothing remarkable about the oath or the fact that the Embassy offered the space for a community event. The oath has been in existence, almost unchanged, since the formation of the RPF in 1987. Attempts by detractors to misrepresent it as something ominous are pathetic.

The BBC claims to have spoken to “member of Rwandan Diaspora” but they actually sought opinions of a collection of hostile dissidents and fraudulent asylum seekers, in order to justify the false allegations.

An example is Rene Mugenzi, featured in the BBC story, who was recently convicted and imprisoned for embezzlement and theft in the UK. However, Mugenzi had for years been portrayed as a human rights’ activist and opposition leader, and granted significant media attention, often by the BBC, to propagate lies about Rwanda, even as he was stealing hundreds of thousands of pounds from the Norwich Cathedral, as well as defrauding and blackmailing members of the Rwandan community in the UK.

It should be obvious that Rwandans abroad who claim to be fighting the government of Rwanda don’t bother to go to embassy events. Instead, they have taken to inventing false stories such as this one that find a welcoming, uncritical platform in BBC reports.

There were no opposing views of members of the Rwandan community in the UK supportive of the Rwandan government or the RPF, to give context to the falsehoods presented in Harding’s story.

Beyond the UK, the BBC appears not to have exercised even minimal judgment, or carried out any scrutiny of those it chose to amplify for this story.

David Himbara, a disgruntled former Rwandan official makes wild, blanket claims about Rwanda’s political system that go completely unchallenged. Had BBC sought to verify these claims, they would allow their viewers to understand that as popular as Rwanda’s ruling party is, no one is forced to join the RPF. In fact, there are 11 other political parties in Rwanda, at least five of which are represented in Parliament. In line with Rwanda’s constitution, both chambers of Parliament are headed by leaders of other political parties that, incidentally, existed even before the RPF came to power.

Noel Zihabamwe is, according to the BBC, “a prominent member of the Rwandan diaspora in Sydney, who came to the country as a refugee in 2006”. The truth is that he left Kigali in 2000 to attend university in Australia on a Rwanda Government scholarship. Upon completion of his sponsored studies, Zihabamwe claimed asylum in Australia and joined the terrorist group Rwanda National Congress (RNC), which runs propaganda campaigns against Rwanda and is responsible for several deadly terror attacks in Kigali and in Northern Rwanda. Noel ‎Zihabamwe’s claims about his missing brothers are unfounded. The spouse of one of the allegedly missing men reported to Police that her husband went missing while visiting relatives in the Nyagatare District. While the investigation remains open, neither Noel Zihabamwe who continues to cry foul in the media, nor his family has provided further information to assist in verifying this claim.

A simple search on the Internet will reveal Paul Rusesabagina’s true face, in his own words, including in interviews on the BBC Kinyarwanda service, as leader of a political party with an armed group (MRCD/FLN) which is responsible for several terror attacks in Rwanda that resulted in at least nine deaths. This led to his arrest and ongoing terror trial in Kigali, along with at least 19 other suspected MRCD/FLN fighters and commanders that reported to him.

The BBC fails to mention that Kizito Mihigo, who also features in the story, was convicted to 10 years in prison in 2015 after pleading guilty to forming a criminal gang, complicity in a terrorist act and conspiracy to murder. Following his appeal for presidential pardon, his sentence was commuted in September 2018 along with more than 2,000 other convicts. He was arrested for a second time in 2019 after violating release terms by attempting to illegally cross the border to join armed anti-Rwanda groups in Burundi, and soon after committed suicide while in detention.

Some NGOs consistently offer credibility to Rwandan detractors who make baseless claims of persecution by the Government of Rwanda. Sarah Jackson of Amnesty International seems disappointed that “such actions, which have included several targeted assassinations abroad, never appear to result in any long-term damage to Rwanda’s international relations.” They are not as damaging as those driving these stories expect precisely because they are not true, despite repeated attempts over the years to cement false storylines that do not correspond to reality.

Rwanda is focused on achieving development results and progress for our citizens, and will not be distracted by external dictates that go against the interests of our people. It should be understood that Rwanda’s fundamental values and political choices are driven by our country’s history and context, and they serve to entrench stability and prosperity, as well as a brighter future for our citizens. We will not allow this to be disrupted.

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Nyuma yaho umuvugizi wa Minisiteri y’umutekano mu gihugu cy’u Burundi Pierre Nkurikiye ahamagariye Imbonerakure guhiga bukware no kwirenza uwo ari we wese uvuga ikinyarwanda, FDLR yashimiye Leta y’u Burundi inayizeza ubufatanye muri icyo gikorwa.
Kumena amaraso, gufata abagore ku ngufu no gusahura ubundi ni akazi ntangarugero ka FDLR. Iyo niyo sura nshya iri mu biganza bya CNDD n’imbonerakure.

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Tariki ya 15/09/2018-15/06/2020 imyaka 2 iburaho amezi 3 irashize Nyakubahwa President wa Repubulika ahaye imbabazi abanyabyaha 2,140 barimo na ruharwa INGABIRE VICTOIRE UMUHOZA, umugore w’ubugome bwambaye umugoma. Izi mbabazi yazihawe nyuma gato yo kuzuza ½ cy’imyaka 15 yari yarakatiwe, ni impuhwe z’umukuru w’igihugu asanganywe ariko kandi dusubize amaso inyuma twibaze ngo mu myaka 2 ishize izi mbabazi zatanze musaruro ki?

Mu ndorerwamo iyo ari yo yose wareberamo wasanga ubugome bwa Ingabire Victoire bukomeje kwiyongera ugereranyije mbere yo gufungwa na nyuma yaho afunguriwe, ibi bikaba bitangaje kuko benshi biyumvishaga ko gufungurwa kwe bigiye kumubera umwanya wo kwisuzuma agashyira ubwenge ku gihe agatanga umusanzu we mukubaka u Rwanda, ariko aka wa mugani akabaye icwende ntikoga, niyo kakoga gakomeza kwitwa icwende.

Ibyo yarengwaga n’ubundi arabikomeje ndetse n’amayeri yakoreshaga mbere akomeje kuyagura kuburyo adacungiwe hafi ngo imigambi ye ihinyuzwe, ibibazo yazateza abanyarwanda bazabifatisha amaboko arenze abiri. Yaregwaga kugumurira abaturage kwanga ubutegetsi. Mu mbwirwaharume z’uyu mugore akomeje gutangira mu nzu acumbitsemo I Remera, ntajya abura kuvuga ko Leta ntacyo imariye abaturage. Abaturage babimura mu manegeka ati” Leta ihohoteye Abaturage.” Leta ikangurira abaturage guhinga ibihingwa bijyanye naho batuye ati” Leta uri gukenesha abaturage bareke bahinge uko bashaka , uko bashaka” Leta yakangurira abaturage gutanga Mutuelle ati ntacyo zimaze, n’ibindi byinshi ati kandi nibyanga abaturage bazirara mu mihanda umunsi umwe bamagane Leta.

Gukorana n’imitwe igamije gusenya U Rwanda. Iki cyo ni icyaha kisobanura ubwacyo ku muntu uzi Ingabire Victoire mu rugendo rwe rwo gukorana n’abiyemeje kumena amaraso y’abanyarwanda. None kumva Ingabire yakoranye n’imitwe itifuriza u Rwanda neza byatangaza nde? Ntari mu bashinze RDR se? siyo yahindutse PALiR se yari ifite ingabo za ALIR yaje guhinduka FDLR, ubwo se murumva ubugome bwe ari ubwo ashakisha? Vuba aha se Ingabire Victoire si we wayoboraga FDU se? Imikoranire ye na RUD-Urunana mu iyicwa ry’abantu mu KINIGI mu kwakira umwaka ushize ntimuyizi se?Uyu mugore ni umugome bidashakishwa ku buryo nibaza icyo imbabazi yahawe zamumariye kikanyobera, hari ukizi se ngo amfashe? Ibyo byose wongereho no gupfobya Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi. Ibi ariko kumva yabikoze nabyo nta gitangaza kirimo. None se niba RDR yashinze yari igizwe na EX-FAR n’interahamwe bakoze Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi, yabuzwa n’iki gupfobya ibyo abayoboke be bari basize bakoze mu rwego rwo kubatagatifuza?

Koko mwambwiye icyo imbabazi Ingabire Victoire yahawe icyo yazikoresheje? Tuvuge se ko ari ho yakuye agatekerezo ku ishingwa rya DALFA-Umurinzi? Itandukaniye he se na FDU-Inkingi? Ku muntu uzi uruhererekane ry’amashyaka yashinzwe n’abagize uruhare muri Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi, ibi Ingabire akora uhita ubisanga muri uwo mujyo kugira ngo akomeze ahishe ubugome bwe nyamara ararushywa n’ubusa nyakibi ntarara bushyitsi. Kuba nta mpamvu igaragara yatumye Ingabire adasezera kuri FDU ahubwo akayishingiraho DALFA-Umurunzi , ntacyo bihindura ahubwo ni kongera ibinyoro mu bibembe. Ibyo yakoze ni nka kwakundi hari igikoresho kitwa INDYANKWI, abandi bakakita ISHOKA.

Ingabire Victoire ubundi ageze ku rwego rwo kuba nk’umwiyahuzi bitewe n’ubugome amaze kuzuza mu mutwe we. Itsinda rya babandi bahemukiye u Rwanda bakaruhekura abana barwo, bakomeje kwihisha inyuma y’uyu mugore utagaragaza indangagaciro na nke zo kuba mutima w’urugo. Benshi bamuri hafi, ni abanyabyaha ruharwa bituma nawe ahita aba umufatanyacyaha kandi ni koko nta muntu muzima wamwiyegereza. Urugero rufatika, Ingabire Victoire aza mu Rwanda muri 2010, yaje aherekejwe n’interahamwe kabombo yari imwungirije mu ishyaka rye Joseph NTAWANGUNDI wahise afatwa n’ubutabera amaguru adakora hasi hubahirizwa igihano cy’imyaka 19 inkiko Gacaca mu ntara y’iburasizuba zari zaramukatiye. Ibi bivuze ko aho ingabire ari, hafi ye haba hari interahamwe nsa nsa, ibi nawe bimugira umwe muzi zo bidashikanywaho.

Mu busesenguzi nsanzwe nkora kandi mba nafatiye umwanya, nkanagisha inama abandi bashakashatsi nanjye nubaha, nta nyungu na busa Ingabire Victoire yungukiye mu mbabazi yahawe na Nyakubahwa President wa Repubulika ahubwo yaziteye inyoni. Aho gutuza ngo yubahe ibyo izo mbabazi zitegeka, ahubwo akomeje kongeraho andi makosa ku buryo ashobora kuyahanirwa kuko igihugu cyacu cyaciye umuco wo kudahana. Yigira umunyamategeko kandi siwe, yiyita uharanira uburenganzira bwa muntu ahonyora ubw’abandi, yiyita impirimbanyi ya Politike ari umugome witwaje amacumu acanye ku buryo abatamugendeye kure ashobora kubavusha.

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Abishwe n’umutwe w’iterabwoba wa P5 bakwiriye ubutabera

Naciye uyu muvuno nyuma y’ijoro ryo ku wa Gatanu rishyira ku wa Gatandatu, tariki ya 5 Ukwakira 2019.

Mu Kagali ka Kabazungu mu murenge wa Musanze no mu kagali ka Kaguhu mu murenge wa Kinigi mu Karere ka Musanze, Intara y’amajyaruguru abarwanyi bo mu ihuriro rya P5 pagabye igitero muri utu duce bahica Abaturage 10 ndetse abarenga 20 barakomereka bikomeye.

Twararize turihanagura ariko ntabwo twatereye iyo hari abagomba kubibazwa mu buryo bumwe cg ubundi hisunzwe amategeko igihugu cyacu kigenderaho kitavanguye.


Abagabye biriya bitero barazwi, ababatumye barazwi bamwe bari mu Rwanda abandi bari mu mahanga.

𝙈𝙪𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙞 𝙢𝙪 𝙍𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙯𝙬𝙖 𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙞 𝘾𝙤𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙋5 𝙠𝙪𝙠𝙞 𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙯𝙬𝙖 𝙪𝙧𝙪𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙬𝙖𝙗𝙤 𝙢𝙪 𝙞𝙮𝙞𝙘𝙬𝙖 𝙧𝙮’𝙖𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙖 𝙪𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙖𝙣𝙯𝙞𝙧𝙖 𝙠𝙪 𝙜𝙞𝙝𝙪𝙜𝙪 𝙣’𝙞𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙮’𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙠𝙤?

P5 Igizwe na:

Abenshi mu bayoboye iriya mitwe itendukanye igize P5 bari mu mahanga,
Ariko umuyobozi wa FDU-Inkingi INGABIRE VITOIRE UMUHOZA Ari mu Rwanda aridegembya.IVU chini

𝐈𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐣𝐞 𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐲𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐚 𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐨 𝐚𝐯𝐚 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐅𝐃𝐔 𝐧𝐲𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐲’𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐲𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐛𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐲𝐢𝐲𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐀.

Ibi byose biraba ubutabera butabireba?
Bategereje iki ko ubutabera butinze butesha agaciro ababukeneye?
Ese birahagije ko gukora amahano bugacya ugahindura inyito bisibanganya ibyaha?

Inkuru ya Rutinywa F.

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Kizito by fdlrkizitoMu itangazo ryahererekanyijwe ku mbuga nkoranyambaga n’abantu batandukanye rigaragaza agahinda gakabije abagize umutwe w’aba jenosideri FDLR batewe n’urupfu rwa kizito wiyahuye nyuma yo gufatwa ashaka kwambuka umupaka agana i burundu aho yashakaga kujya mu gihugu cya congo.

FDLR yihanganishije umuryango we ndetse banategura igitambo cya misa yo kumusabira nk’umwe mu basangirangendo babo ubavuyemo!

Ubu butumwa bwateye benshi igihunga bibaza ukuntu umutwe uharanira irimbuka ry’Abatutsi ku isi wababajwe n’uwabarokotse mu 1994  muri jenoside yakorewe abatutsi.



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